After a series of big events and exciting milestones, I like to take the time to enter into what I call God's rest and reevaluate. This usually includes some time with scripture, but also time for self reflection. This week, I came across a book that was given to me years ago as a teenager from my parents for Christmas. I can remember being curious and excited when I pulled back the wrapping paper, and was also taken back a bit. When I read the title, what stood out to me was "Highly Sensitive Person". I won't go into detail, because I could write an essay, but this title set off an alarm in my nervous system. It reminded me of all the times I was told that I was too sensitive during childhood, and even well into college. But little did I know that this book would show itself to be the gem that outshined the "s" word. Within the last month, I have been apart of some very rewarding community events, sold several paintings (yes, several!), and have begun to tackle several additional new projects with deadlines. Now some people, (from my perspective, it feels like everyone these days) excel at biting off more they can chew, and even come out victorious in the end...reenergized to take on more projects. I've warred with myself on this for years, learning when to lighten my work load, when to say no, and when to seize an opportunity like its the last cookie in the jar...even when the introvert in me screams "What are you doing?! You can't take on all of this work, there's no time! You couldn't work fast enough if you tried." Sometimes I tell her to put a sock in it. I'm serious. I have to say that this book has been a great refresher on how I deal with pressures of day-to-day life, and has made for a very soft landing after a month chalk-full of the go-go-go grind. I can only do a crazy schedule in spurts, and when I'm able to, the results can yield major blessings. But I even find that those blessings are found just as often within the resting. The resting is so important! I speak to myself when I say this: Know your limits and keep the faith, one day at a time so that you can bend & not break. If if you've gone through numerous jobs like I have while making time for your true passion on the side, I would encourage you to check out "Making Work Work for the Higly Sensitive Person". What can I say...I'm a sucker for the Self Help section 😊 Thanks for reading! And as always... Xoxo Alexa
This is the week I have been waiting for... "Rolling" in to announce that another group of dogs sculptures will be unveiled this week! You can catch me on ABC7's Suncoast View @ 4:00pm ET Thursday April 14th and see my finished dog that's been kept a secret! And also a fun surprise tune in! Stream Live at Watch full episodes here So much excitement, it feels like Christmas!!!
Last night I encountered a wolf. We stared each other down, circling, anticipating the other's next move. The trees surrounding us were tall like towering spectators, majestic...waiting in silence for the fall of the fight. A signal to the brain fired inside my head like a shot from a rifle, channeling movement into my foot. Cautiously and ever so slowly, I eased forward. Holding my breath for seconds of 3, 2, 1... and the game had begun. Battle was activated. He released a low, ascending growl from his throat, showing his teeth, and then lunged toward me in a storm of rage. I had to think fast. I had to find his weak spot. Natural instincts should have kicked in, initiating a fight-or-flight response. I could feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. That peak moment of sheer panic, just before the blood could reach my heart and spike in pressure, everything stopped. Everything began dissolving into slow motion. Complete silence. Death was staring me in the face, just inches from my eyes. My heart rate suddenly dropped as an overwhelming feeling of peace came over me. All within fractions of a second, time stood still. I realized I was fighting against fear itself. Surely the power within me was greater than this...this thing. I filled my lungs with air, softened my gaze, and with great force bit his left ear, clamping my teeth shut. This assertion of dominance calmed his anger, turning fear from it's physical form of a wolf into a puppy.
xoxo Alexa |